Sandra Russo Sounds the Alarm on the Vanishing Craftsmanship Industry

During its "Cultural Friday," the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) hosted a panel on December 1, 2023, discussing "How to Place Haitian Crafts on the International Market." Invited to speak about the daily challenges and export difficulties facing Haitian crafts, Sandra Russo sounded the alarm about the threats looming over this sector.

Jonasson Odigène
Par Jonasson Odigène
04 Dec 2023 | Lecture : 2 min.

"We were the pioneers in craftsmanship; we are disappearing from the artisanal perspective," Sandra Russo declared bluntly, warning of the risk of the disappearance of Haitian craftsmanship.

To illustrate the danger facing the artisanal sector, Russo compared the performance of the craft sector before the September 1991 coup d'état and the subsequent embargo with the years that followed. "Before the embargo, there was an exporter affiliated with 12 other exporters; they sent nearly 40 40-foot containers ev

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