Security Concerns Prompt Ongoing Exodus to the Grand South

Around the Sylvio Cator stadium, traffic is slow on this Wednesday morning of September 6, 2023. With the showers that fell on the capital the day before and the piles of garbage littering the streets, it's challenging to navigate along Oswald Durand Street. Across from the stadium, buses are already welcoming passengers, those who are heading towards the Grand South.

Jonasson Odigène
Par Jonasson Odigène
06 Sep 2023 | Lecture : 3 min.

In this bus bound for Léogâne, three cousins, as they introduce themselves, closely monitor the young people boarding the bus. 'We are going to Léogâne to save our lives,' confides one of them. 'We used to live in a house we rented in Fouchard, but we were forced to abandon it due to the attacks by the bandits,' reports the same lady, who appears to be the oldest of the three.

The day after yet another gang attack, these three cousins sought refuge in Léogâne, their hometown, w


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