If Haitians don't have any plans, no intervention will help them

On August 14, 2023, it will have been two years since the 2021 earthquake that devastated the Nippes, South, and Grand'Anse regions.

Frantz Duval
Par Frantz Duval
10 Aug 2023 | Lecture : 3 min.

On August 14, 2023, it will have been two years since the 2021 earthquake that devastated the Nippes, South, and Grand'Anse regions.

Two years later, as reported in articles published in Le Nouvelliste, less than 25% of the available funds from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank (WB) have been committed. 25% after 24 months. The failure is evident. Reconstruction is not on track. Not because of the problems that hinder it, but because of the solutions that have not been invented.

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