Haitian researcher Ruben Louis wins the IAEM 2023 thesis award

Former student of the École Normale Supérieure of the State University of Haiti, Haitian researcher Ruben Louis has been awarded the 2023 thesis prize by the IAEM doctoral school for his thesis titled "Universal Higher Algebras of Singular Spaces and Their Symmetries." The thesis defense took place on November 12, 2022, under the supervision of Camille Laurent-Gengoux. He will receive the award during the Doctoral Ceremony on November 24, 2023.

The IAEM doctoral school at the University of Lorraine grants an annual thesis prize to a manuscript deemed particularly deserving in five different disciplines: Computer Science, Automation, Electronics-Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Architecture Sciences at the University of Lorraine. Ruben Louis's work has been recognized among all the disciplines encompassed by the IAEM doctoral school.

Ruben Louis views this award as a validation of all the hard work and dedication he invested in his doctoral studies. "It is

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