A school compensation program aimed at reducing the failure rate in state exams

The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) has launched online and in-person remedial classes for students who will be taking state exams. The program, called the National School Compensation Program, aims to address the learning gaps of 300,000 candidates preparing for the official exams in the 9th fundamental year and the baccalaureate (secondary 4).

Michelson Césaire
Par Michelson Césaire
30 May 2023 | Lecture : 2 min.

The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) is making efforts to combat chronic academic failure and is actively working to address the learning gaps of students who are about to undergo state exams in the coming weeks. In the districts of the Departmental Directorate of Education in the West, 36 centers have been opened with the objective of filling in the students' learning losses. On Saturday, May 27th, approximately 17,000 students participated in these remedial classes in Port-au-Prince, according to the MENFP


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