"The Mysteries of Vodou" by Laënnec Hurbon at Livres en folie

Published for the first time in 1993 by Gallimard in France, the book "The Mysteries of Vodou" by Laënnec Hurbon traces the history of Haitian Vodou. From the slave trade to recent history after the dictatorship, including the American occupation and the anti-superstition campaign. Freshly reissued by C3 Éditions in January 2023, this important text reopens the debate on the subject of Vodou. The book will be available at the 29th edition of Livres en folie, on June 8th, at Karibe, Juvénat.

Elien Pierre
Par Elien Pierre
15 May 2023 | Lecture : 3 min.

Consisting of seven chapters, Professor Laënnec Hurbon's work provides a general overview of the evolution of Vodou throughout Haitian history and space. The book subtly presents the resistance of this ancestral religion to other religions, particularly the Roman Catholic Church, which played a major role in the anti-superstition campaign. During this period of persecution, Vodou practitioners saw their peristyle, the sacred space where the potomitan stands, destroyed, and their lakou desecrated.

In his 176-page book, the

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