Canada to allocate $5 million towards PNH weapons procurement

Canadian Ambassador to Haiti, Sébastien Carrière, informed Le Nouvelliste on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, that Canada will allocate $5 million out of the $100 million in aid to the PNH for the acquisition of lethal equipment, which includes weapons and ammunition.

Canadian Ambassador to Haiti, Sébastien Carrière, informed Le Nouvelliste on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, that Canada will allocate $5 million out of the $100 million in aid to the PNH for the acquisition of lethal equipment, which includes weapons and ammunition.

"These funds represent 5% of the $100 million," he explained in an interview with the newspaper, where he was accompanied by Canadian officials who were visiting Haiti to better understand the country's needs.

Sébastien Carrièr

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