Fête St Louis de Pointe à Raquette

This year Fête St Louis de Pointe À Raquette Haiti will be particularly special. Given the scale of the festivities and the fact that people of all religious beliefs are involved, it is sure to rival all the previous ones. The event, has been renamed the Cultural Festival de Pointe à Raquette Haiti.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
25 août 2016 | Lecture : 1 min.
Not only an occasion to celebrate the region’s own patron Saint St. Louis; it’s also a time of reunion, of healing, and celebration of our hometown to promote our culture, products and to showcase the community. The celebrations start on Friday, August 25th and conclude on Tuesday, August 30th. Located in La Gonâve Island, it’s this destination is exactly what an adventure tourist may welcome. An hour and half drive from Port-au-Prince to the Côte-des-Arcadins and then a boat ride to the island. An ideal time to do some local exploring. B

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