Innovative solutions in Marigot to strengthen food security

In Haiti, access to food that is healthy and balanced, available in sufficient quantity, sometimes proves a challenge in areas where much of the population is vulnerable. The town of Marigot remains one of them.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
26 nov. 2015 | Lecture : 2 min.
However, since 2013, the population, supported by the organization Solidarity Union Cooperation (CUSO in French) and the European Union, is taking up the challenge of food security through a project which, besides nutrition, aims to protect environmental and agricultural recovery. Indeed, two years after the launch of the project, the results are very encouraging: 18 hectares of catchment areas are being protected by the installation of metal structures and biological, more than 69,000 fruit and forest seedlings were planted, near a thousand jo

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