Awareness in the North about climate change

On November 11th, the Northern Federation of Chambers of Agriculture (Fechan in French), in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and French Farmers and International Development (AFDI) organized in Cap-Haitien, a day of awareness on climate change.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
26 nov. 2015 | Lecture : 2 min.
This meeting, according Dugué Ainay of Fechan, were held to introduce participants' COP21 and climate change issues in Haiti; giving the floor to representatives of community based organizations (CBOs) to present their initiatives, including mangrove protection in Fort-Liberté and Acul-du-Nord and thr creation of a protected area The day was a success, according to organizers. "More than 80 representatives of farmers' organizations were present. This allowed the representatives to understand the issues of climate change. "The project manager

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