Pamela White: progress made in the areas of health, agriculture, and subcontracting

In an interview on August 21st, US Ambassador Pamela Ann White noted good progress in the fields of health, agriculture, and subcontracting. She is also satisfied with the results in agriculture and textile industry.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
28 août 2015 | Lecture : 3 min.
According to US Ambassador Pamela Ann White, serious progress has been made in the areas of health, justice, and agriculture during her mission in Haiti. “When I arrived in Haiti for the first time between 1985 and 1990, my husband at the time was a doctor who worked in the health sector. He undertook many things. There were so many things that did not work, including many cases of HIV, a high rate of infant mortality, etc.” she said to journalists of Le Nouvelliste that she received in her office on August 21st. She also recalled that two year

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