Ayiti Makaya admitted to Carifiesta Montreal

Ayiti Makaya, a Haitian cultural association in Montreal, is selected to participate in the 40th edition of the annual parade Carifiesta to be held on July 4th in downtown Montreal. Haitian folk dance, traditional costumes in Haiti and the flag will be honored this year, said Angelo Deye, a spokesman for Ayiti Makaya.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
25 juin 2015 | Lecture : 1 min.
About thirty Haitian dancers intensify rehearsals to offer a spectacle worthy of Haiti on the course, assured Mr. Deye. These dancers are part of two of the best Haitian dances troupes evolving in Montreal, said the spokesman. DJ Valmix. Valmix, who used to host cultural activities in Montreal, is popular with the Haitian community, said Deye. A person symbolizing Catherine Flon will be present on the float to showcase the Haitian flag, also informed Deye. Flon, he recalled with a touch of pride, is a Haitian revolutionary figure who became f

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