Nou Fit to be broadcasted

"Nou Fit" is the name of the new show produced by Graphcity. This physical fitness show was presented for the first time on June 20th and 21st at the Karibe during the Oxygen Health and Fitness exposition.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
25 juin 2015 | Lecture : 1 min.
Jean Paul Laraque of Graphcity explains that the show was inspired by the need for a physical fitness show for the Haitian public. His brother Ernst Laraque is the fitness instructor on the program. "The idea," said Jean Paul, is to provide an exercise show to a wider audience and allow those who can not pay for subscriptions to the gym to work out at home, at their convenience. "" Nou Fit "is a 30-minute show that will air four times a week from a total of 8 weeks," he explained. The exercises are designed in a way that someone who missed s

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