Ministry of Tourism corner

Construction of tourist lodges in Haiti

ll"Tourist lodges will soon be a new hotel infrastructure available in our provinces," said Stephanie Villedrouin, Minister of Tourism and Creative Industries (MTIC), following a meeting with Planète Urgence around the development of a document for the construction of tourist lodges in the country.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
07 mai 2015 | Lecture : 1 min.
ll"Tourist lodges will soon be a new hotel infrastructure available in our provinces," said Stephanie Villedrouin, Minister of Tourism and Creative Industries (MTIC), following a meeting with Planète Urgence around the development of a document for the construction of tourist lodges in the country. This meeting was held on Monday, May 4, 2015, bringing together executives of the MTIC Investment Department and representatives of Planète Urgence. The latter was able to experiment this construction in some towns in the provinces.

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