Significant donation of musical materials to the Institut National de Musique d'Haïti

A significant number of instruments, chairs and desks (300 units each) were given symbolically on Wednesday, April 15, at the Institut National de Musique d'Haïti (INAMUH) in the presence of Government officials including Joan Dithny Raton, Minister of Culture, and her General Director, Jean Michel Lapin, alongside partners of the Fundacion Musical Simon Bolivar and the Société Mixte Pétion-Bolivar.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
23 avr. 2015 | Lecture : 1 min.
llThis program to implement a nucleus of juvenile symphony orchestras and choirs across the country, is an initiative of President Michel Martelly. It was created on February 7, 2014 and obtained the support of the Simon Bolivar Music Foundation and the Société Mixte Pétion-Bolivar under the supervision of the Haitian State. To date, the nucleus has 675 children (music students) trained by 25 teachers. Three (3) other nuclei will be implmented in other parts of the country according to Raoul Denis Jr., Director of INAMUH. In the space of a year

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