Energy: the private sector seeks solutions

On April 16th, the Haitian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIHC in French) contacted companies and individuals from the private sector in order to find alternatives to the energy problem in Haiti.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
23 avr. 2015 | Lecture : 2 min.
llThis discussion with the private sector was held on April 16th in Pétion-Ville. Around a table, heads of several companies in the field of energy presented alternatives in an ambient atmosphere. Solar, thermal, and wind energy were among the solutions presented throughout the discussion. "Solar energy is free and unlimited. In addition, it is available everywhere in the country. Haiti Energy strongly advises the use of this type of energy because it does not emit carbon dioxide that proves bad for the climate,” said Nekita Derosier, an offici

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