Effective involvement of stakeholders essential to the management of the Citadel

Every Easter, tens of thousands of people visit the Citadel in Cap Haitien. This year, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industries took measures to accommodate the visitors.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
23 avr. 2015 | Lecture : 1 min.
llIn order to accommodate visitors, a unit was created to clean up the Citadel and the surrounding areas. Through the request of the Departmental Tourism office, mobile toilets and other measures were taking to ensure a positive experience. In order to raise awareness and involve residents in the sanitation of the area, Dieudonne Luma Etienne, departmental director of the Ministry of Tourism, said that the improvement of the area should also be the responsibility of the town hall. According to the departmental director, huge efforts are taken d

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