Art contest to transform waste into works of art

10 schools in the capital will engage in the transformation of waste into works of art. This art competition was organized by the Swiss Embassy in tandem with organizations M WÈ M, Atis Rezistans, and Kolektif 509 in order to educate young people on environmental protection. A budget of two million gourdes is devoted to this project.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
27 mars 2015 | Lecture : 2 min.
The art contest in schools is also a way to remember that wealth is around us,” said an artist from Kolektif 509 during the launch of this event. Gathered around a table on March 20th in a conference room at the Swiss Embassy, the initiators defined the criteria of this contest. After launching the invitation to forty institutions in the capital, thirteen responded favorably. Ten of them were randomly selected: école nationale Thomas Madiou, collège mixte Lamartinière, école nationale communautaire Louverture, lycée national de Pétion-Ville, éc

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