Parc Historique, an altar of African survivals

Since January 30th, the exhibition "Haiti and Africa: two hearts in resonance" has been at the Parc Historique de la Canne a Sucre. The exhibition provides a look into our history and highlights the African cultural survivals.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
05 mars 2015 | Lecture : 2 min.
ll11 panels, a hull of a slave ship, and a catalog make up most of the permanent exhibition called "Haiti and Africa: two hearts in resonance." This is the initiative of career educator Michaelle Saint-Natus and the Françoise Caneze Auguste Foundation. ¨I never understood why Africa has little or no valued in the school curriculum including history course. Even at Parc Historique, it was not until recently that a Taino and a Haitian room were installed, yet there is nothing on Africa,” she said. It was this concern for Africa that gave her the

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