Japan grants 725,000 dollars to Haiti

On Friday February 27th, Katsuyoshi Tamura, Japanese Ambassador to Haiti, signed a grant agreement for the "Construction project of the Croix-des-Missions and route neuve bridges."

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
05 mars 2015 | Lecture : 2 min.
As part of the project to build the bridges of Croix-des-Missions and route neuve, the Japanese government will provide the Haitian government with a donation of eighty-seven million Japanese yen (87 million), or about seven hundred twenty-five thousand USD (725,000) which will be used to design detailed engineering leading to the actual construction of the bridge on the road leading to route nationale # 1, and secondly, the construction of Croix-des-Missions bridge on route nationale # 1. According to the Ambassador Tamura, the Japanese govern

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