Psychiatry and the Law, a symposium to address key issues

A symposium on 'Psychiatry and the Law' was held in Haiti on Tuesday, December 2nd. The initiative aimed to identify the relationship between psychiatry and the law, and their impact on members of civil society.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
12 déc. 2014 | Lecture : 2 min.
llDoctors, lawyers, psychologists, and legislators took part in the symposium held at NH Haiti El Rancho hotel. The University of Montreal organized this activity in partnership with the Faculties of Medicine of UEH and UNDH, the Faculty of Law and Economics of UEH and the Research and Forensic Share Unit (URAMEL in French). For Dr. Hans Lamarre, who moderated the symposium, psychiatry is a medical specialty that is highly underrated in Haiti. "The government, associations and NGOs have found it necessary to work on this issue only after the ea

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