Lamothe and the ANMH converse about current events and digital TV

The digitization of television in Haiti, the political situation, and the economic situation of the country were among the topics discussed at a meeting held on Thursday, Dec 4th between members of the National Association of Haitian Media (ANMH in French) and Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
12 déc. 2014 | Lecture : 2 min.
llAccording to Michel Brunache, the Prime Minister’s spokesperson, this was a first contact and an opportunity to discuss some of CONATEL’s recent decisions as well as the political climate in the country. "It was a frank exchange on the political crisis," he said The the heads of ANMH’s media members, he added, took the opportunity to express their concerns about the country's political situation. The Prime Minister put them in touch with Jean-Marie Guillaume, CONATEL General Director and promised the establishment of a technical team to addre

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