Fatherhood, Motherhood and Filiation law awareness campaign

At the initiative of the Fanm Deside organization, more than 150 boys participated in an awareness campaign in commemoration of the International Day against Violence against Women which is celebrated every November 25th.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
27 nov. 2014 | Lecture : 2 min.
llTessy Romulus and Marie Ludie Bien-Aimé, respectively, Director of Juristic Affairs and Head of the Office of the Struggle against Violence against Women at the Ministry of Women and Women's Rights (MCFDF in French) traveled to Jacmel to speak during a meeting in preparation for the celebration of the International Day against Violence against Women. This meeting was an opportunity for Fanm Deside to conduct an awareness campaign regarding the new law on paternity, maternity and filiation and educate the boys so that they may be aware of this

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