At Limonade, Young Leaders commit to Haiti’s development

More than a hundred young people and experts from Haiti and several countries attended the first edition of the first international symposium of youth "Élan Haiti 2014" on November 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th at the Henri Christophe campus of Limonade, near Cap-Haitien. Organized around the theme "Youth are committed," the four retreats enabled participants to make their voices heard and to emphasize the need for the youth involvement in Haiti’s development.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
27 nov. 2014 | Lecture : 4 min.
llThis symposium was not only a forum for ideas, but an action forum, coordinated by economist Marc Alain Boucicault, Coordinator of Élan Haiti 2014 and Herrick Dessources, President of the Echo Haiti Group, who are committed to creating a new experience for youth exchanges devoted to deep reflection, bearings, and commitments. The forums invite young Haitian students, active leaders and/or Haitian and foreign entrepreneurs who are selected competitively in order to promote exchanges about major national issues and encourage concrete actions in

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