To better support the visually impaired

On November 13th, the National Committee for Blindness Prevention (CNPC in French) held a scientific conference to educate health care professionals, particularly ophthalmologists, on the issue of visual disability in Haiti. Accessibility of buildings, rehabilitation of the visually impaired, and glaucoma were the key subjects discussed during the conference attended by over sixty participants at Le Plaza Hotel on the Champ de Mars

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
21 nov. 2014 | Lecture : 2 min.
According to François Romain, CNPC President, 10% of the Haitian population is suffering from glaucoma and one of three Haitians over age 60 suffers from cataracts. In order to contain the spread of these blindness-causing diseases, Dr. Romain believes it is urgent to improve the quality of education and care provided in ophthalmology. "According to available statistics, the number of cases of blindness in the country is around 100 000. This is already huge. We must act quickly to remedy this situation, because we can,” he argued. Dr. Richard B

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