New measures to fight corruption and smuggling

On September 10th, the Inter-institutional Committee for the Fight against fraud, corruption, smuggling, and tax evasion (ULCC in French), announced the auction of all vehicles abandoned for more than six months in the customs bonded warehouses. They also announced the seizure of all vehicles without a tag by Haitian National Police (PNH in French) police officers.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
18 sept. 2014 | Lecture : 2 min.
"Starting Saturday, September 13th, we will start to sell via auction all vehicles that have been in our system for more than 6 months," said Fresnel Jean-Baptiste, General Director of Customs. "We have applied section 234 of the Customs Code that gives us the right to seize cars and vehicles involved in corruption, but our measures have proven themselves insufficient so far," he stated while announcing the application of Article 235 which gives customs the right to sell, in addition to the contents of the vehicles, the vehicles seized during v

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