Reorganize and Revamp Your Closet

Ever open your closet and feel like slightly decomposing? It is naturally daunting to look on to ones own things and see a war zone. It’s no one’s fault really. Life happens and sorting your stuff becomes an increasingly giant task. So time to buckle down and do it. Here are 6 easy ways to organize your closet.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
24 juil. 2014 | Lecture : 2 min.
1.Sorting through your clothes. First things first, take out all of your clothes from your closet and go through them. Give away all the clothes you do not wear anymore; no need to keep them as they only take up space. Same goes for shoes and accessories. 2.Arrange according to type. Organize your clothes by type. Separate your work clothes from your casual clothes so you can easily reach to them when you need. 3. Arrange according to priority. Organize your clothes by what you want to access first. If your work clothes are what you need to re

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