"Doing a lot with very little," Prime Minister Lamothe is committed

It is more than just a slogan, but an obligation for results. That is what the Prime Minister implied on Wednesday April 9th during the 28th Governing Council. With this inclusive government, he wants to do a lot with the means at hand. His objective is to fight extreme poverty and social exclusion.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
17 avr. 2014 | Lecture : 3 min.
"The government’s fight against poverty" is what the Prime Minister and the government has stressed. "Think and act against inequality, social exclusion, and hunger through concrete social programs," he ordered his ministers at the 28th Council of Ministers. Prime Minister Lamothe presented his new ministers to the public. The change he wants to implement can be found in a 122 page-document titled "Action Plan for Accelerated Poverty Reduction (PAARP in French)." The document is based on the preferential option for the most vulnerable, and it h

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