"The 9 Vizyon of Kolektif 509"

From April 4th-13th, 2014, Kolektif 509 organized a major contemporary art exhibition titled "9 Vizyon". Nine artists gathered around nine different worldviews to exhibit their works at the Kalewes Villa in Pétion-Ville for the good of the public. An interview was was held with artist Xavier Dalencour regarding this exhibition.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
10 avr. 2014 | Lecture : 3 min.
Le Nouvelliste (LN): Xavier Dalencour, you organized the 9 Vizyon exhibition with Kolektif 509. Tell us about this "Kolektif". Xavier Dalencour (XD): Kolektif 509 is a group of contemporary artists living and working in Haiti who wanted to show their productions and their talents to the world. It was founded by my wife, designer Valérie Noisette and I, but it is a project we immediately opened up to our artist friends who very quickly got involved. Each artist has his own worldview, and their own mode of expression. For some who are part of thi

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