Examining the Haitian Tax System’s Surprising Generosity

"The Haitian tax system is characterized by a set of generous yet inefficient tax incentives, governed by at least four different legal texts and managed by various structures," stated the IMF in its Governance Diagnostic Report published in January 2025.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
07 Mar 2025 | Lecture : 2 min.

"The Haitian tax system is characterized by a set of generous yet inefficient tax incentives, governed by at least four different legal texts and managed by various structures," stated the IMF in its Governance Diagnostic Report published in January 2025.

"Beyond the 'classic' tax and customs benefits (exemptions, deductibility rules, reduced rates, tax base abatements, etc.) provided for in the tax code and customs tariff, the new Tax Code dedicates an entire section to the three main tax incentive regimes b

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