Cap-Haïtien: A City of Dual Realities

Between seaside strolls and stays at the finest hotels overlooking the city, you can spend wonderful days in Cap-Haïtien. However, when it rains, you'll need sturdy rubber boots to wade through muddy waters and hopscotch over the increasingly overwhelming filth.

Valéry Daudier
Par Valéry Daudier
27 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

The people of Cap-Haïtien are at peace. For example, a young woman walks her dog at 9 PM along Boulevard Carenage, lined with restaurants and hotels. When was the last time someone walked their dog in the streets of Port-au-Prince? Strolling along the boulevard or the paved square in front of Cap-Haïtien’s cathedral, you might imagine yourself in any other Caribbean country—were it not for the darkness, open sewers, and occasional piles of litter. Electricity d'Haiti hasn't provided power in the country’s

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