Restoration Work for the Statue of Jean-Jacques Dessalines in Cap-Haïtien Officially Begins

On the occasion of the 266th anniversary of the birth of the founding father of the nation, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the Reflection and Action Group for Heritage (GRAPH) officially launched the restoration work of his statue, which was damaged three years ago, on Friday, September 20.

Gérard Maxineau
Par Gérard Maxineau
24 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

On the occasion of the 266th anniversary of the birth of the founding father of the nation, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the Reflection and Action Group for Heritage (GRAPH) officially launched the restoration work of his statue, which was damaged three years ago, on Friday, September 20.

A solemn mass was held at the Cathedral of Cap-Haïtien, attended by Departmental Delegate Pierrot D. Augustin, Deputy Mayor Patrick Almonor, Government Commissioner Me Charles-Édouard Durant, Northern Departmental Director of the Haitian N

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