Anne-Lucie Lefebvre Appointed New Head of World Bank Operations in Haiti

Anne-Lucie Lefebvre, a Canadian national, has been appointed as the World Bank’s Country Operations Manager in Haiti, based in Port-au-Prince, according to an announcement from the institution on August 6, 2024.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
07 Aug 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

Anne-Lucie Lefebvre, a Canadian national, has been appointed as the World Bank’s Country Operations Manager in Haiti, based in Port-au-Prince, according to an announcement from the institution on August 6, 2024. She succeeds Laurent Msellati, a French national, who led the office for the past three years. In her new role, Lefebvre will oversee the dialogue between the World Bank and the Haitian government, working closely with key development partners and stakeholders.

In her introductory remarks, Anne-Lucie Lefebvre expresse

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