More Than 15,000 Attendees Drive the Success of SumFest 2024 in Miami

Sumfest, which had already established its reputation in Haiti as a unique festival with its seaside location, over twelve hours of music, and a blend of emerging and established artists, continues to follow the same successful formula in Miami. The second edition in Florida confirmed this success, with over 15,000 attendees enjoying the festivities under a blazing sun and amid the vibrant atmosphere and participant attire. To get an overview, Le Nouvelliste interviewed the organizers.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
12 Jul 2024 | Lecture : 5 min.

Le Nouvelliste: How many editions of Sumfest have there been?

Sumfest: We are currently in our sixth edition of Sumfest. We started in 2017 and had to pause the festival in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. After a final edition in Haiti in 2022, we moved the festival to Miami, where we are now holding our second edition this year. So, overall, we have organized four editions in Haiti and two in Miami.

Le Nouvelliste: Where did the idea for this festival come fr

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