Hospital Residency: From Neglect to Trivialization

In October 2023, Le Nouvelliste drew attention to the treatment of hospital residency by academic and state authorities. After several months of silence, authorities shifted from neglect to trivialization with a notice issued by Université Hospital La Paix announcing its intention to conduct its own residency entrance exam.

Claudy Junior Pierre
Par Claudy Junior Pierre
05 Jul 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

In a public statement released this week, Université Hospital La Paix outlined a schedule for organizing a competition to admit residents for the 2024-2025 term.

"Proposed schedule for resident recruitment for fiscal year 2024-2025", is the title chosen by officials for a document in which they propose to take 41 resident years in 6 training programs, some of which like general surgery have been increased from 4 to 5 years.

Contacted by the newspaper, a representative from the State University of Haiti cl

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