Georges Fils Brignol Named New Minister of Public Health and Population: Who Is He?

Dr. Georges Fils Brignol was officially appointed Minister of Public Health and Population on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, and will soon take the reins of the ministry. A relatively unknown figure who has defied all predictions, who exactly is the man who surprised seasoned analysts with his unexpected appointment to the MSPP?

Claudy Junior Pierre
Par Claudy Junior Pierre
11 Jun 2024 | Lecture : 5 min.

At 38 years old, Georges Fils Brignol completed his secondary education at Saint-Louis de Gonzague. His schoolmates recall his student years as they do his academic ones. "I remember a shy, respectful boy who rarely spoke up. He was intelligent, diligent, and always ready to help others," reminisces one of his classmates, who admitted he never imagined Brignol entering politics, let alone becoming Minister of Public Health and Population. "There’s a typical profile for a minister. When I learned he was pursuing medicine,

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