Economy Minister Emphasizes Tertiary Sector for Anticipated Growth

The year 2023 is among the worst Haiti has experienced, with a negative GDP growth rate (-1.9%). This comes with the three main sectors of the economy, namely the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors, recording negative growth rates of -5.6%, -3.7%, and -2.9%, respectively. This situation needs to change, and to achieve this, Michel Patrick Boisvert, the Minister of Economy and Finance, believes that Haiti should focus more on the tertiary sector.

"We believe that the tertiary sector is really the sector through which this expected growth should be materialized most quickly," said the Minister of Economy and Finance, Patrick Boisvert, who spoke at the beginning of the year on Radio Métropole's annual economic program, "Grands Rendez-vous économiques," hosted by economist Kesner Pharel.

To support his statements, Minister Boisvert highlighted the decline of the primary sector, with agriculture as the country's main source of income. H

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