Jocelin Villier Highlights a 50% Fall in Ship Visits to Haitian Ports

Ship calls have "dropped by 50% in less than a year. This means fewer and fewer vessels are staying in Haitian ports," stated Jocelin Villier, Director General of the National Port Authority (APN), earlier this week on Magik 9 radio.

Esther Kimberly Bazile
Par Esther Kimberly Bazile
14 Dec 2023 | Lecture : 2 min.

At the core of this slowdown in activities at Haitian ports, especially those in the metropolitan area, the head of the APN identified the prevailing climate of insecurity in the country. According to a United Nations report, gangs control 80% of the territories in the Haitian capital. This gang presence in the capital and surrounding areas has tangible effects on port operations, evident in the repeated blockage of access roads to the Varreux port by armed gangs. Furthermore, armed groups on the roads hinder the free flow of goods and servi

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