Graduates of Limonade Medical School Express Concerns Regarding the Hospital Residency Crisis

Due to the long-standing crisis within hospital residency, graduates of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Henri Christophe campus of the State University of Haiti in Limonade are expressing their concerns about the ineffective management of this medical-educational system by the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) and are calling for a comprehensive reform.

For months, a crisis has persisted within the hospital residency system in the country. This medical-educational system, which provides specialized training for young doctors graduating from various medical faculties in the country, is in decline. The residency admission exam, scheduled for October 15 of this year, was canceled by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy (FMP) due to institutional upheavals. On October 24, the University of Haiti's administration addressed the issue by informing the FMP deanery of their concerns

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