Haiti Takes Part in Inaugural Global School Feeding Coalition Meeting

Through the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP), Haiti is participating in the first meeting of the Global Coalition for School Feeding, held in Paris on October 18 and 19, 2023. "By 2030, every child in the world should have access to the school meals needed to learn and grow well." This is the goal set by the Global Coalition for School Feeding launched in 2021 by France and Finland.

Minister of National Education and Vocational Training Nesmy Manigat is taking part in the first global summit on school feeding in Paris. While a large number of Haitian children benefit from school canteens, the majority of enrolled children are not yet reached. According to available data, the National School Canteen Program (PNCS), an actor, manager, and regulator of the school feeding sub-sector for the MENFP, reaches a large number of beneficiaries, 2,809,000 students from 2019 to 2023, through partners including the World Food Pr

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