Haitian Government Conveys Sorrow and Concern over Hamas Attacks on Israel

In a statement dated Tuesday, October 10, 2023, the Haitian government expressed its sadness and dismay in the face of the deadly conflicts between Hamas and Israel.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
11 Oct 2023 | Lecture : 1 min.

In a statement dated Tuesday, October 10, 2023, the Haitian government expressed its sadness and dismay in the face of the deadly conflicts between Hamas and Israel. We hereby publish the statement in its entirety.

The Haitian government has watched with sadness and dismay the recent surge of acts of unbearable violence perpetrated by Hamas against the State of Israel. This has sparked a wave of condemnation worldwide, to which Haiti adds its voice. Indeed, nothing can justify the blind and indiscriminate attacks on defenseless civ

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