Renewal and First-time U.S. Visa Applicants in Despair

The atmosphere of insecurity that plagues the lives of residents in the metropolitan area and disrupts business activities and the start of the school year is having a significant impact on the daily operations of the U.S. consulate. The institution has been forced to reduce its staff and services in Haiti to the bare minimum, much to the dismay of those applying for U.S. entry visas.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
13 Sep 2023 | Lecture : 2 min.

For some time now, American visa applicants have seen their appointment requests constantly postponed by the consulate, whether due to the "peyi lòk" phenomenon, the COVID-19 pandemic, or today, the insecurity imposed by armed groups besieging the Haitian capital and its surrounding areas. Such a climate is not conducive to the smooth operation of the consulate, which has found itself compelled to reduce its staff to counter the threats looming over it.

The visa service seems to be the most affected by this rather


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