Georges Eddy Lucien: A Dedicated Researcher Exploring Territorial Sciences

After obtaining his Habilitation to Conduct Research (HDR) on June 1, 2023 - the highest qualification in the French university system after the doctorate - Professor Georges Eddy Lucien is one of the few resources available for doctoral supervision in the social sciences in Haiti. Following on from his many works on territorial recomposition and urban politics, the researcher is now questioning Haitian migration. Haiti, which attracted people in the 19th century, now repels them...

Before embarking on higher education after defending his thesis in 2007, Georges Eddy Lucien taught at the secondary level in the past. He was a teacher of geography, history, and even mathematics. "This is why I was able to transition smoothly into higher education, where I alternate between history and geography," he said. Geography is the discipline to which he has dedicated himself strongly in recent years, given that all his responsibilities fall within the field of territorial sciences.

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