"Haiti's History - Anecdotes," a reference book for all audiences!

Through anecdotal history, or "little history," numerous pieces of information are provided to us on various subjects concerning the country: politics, ethnography, economy, sociology, geography, botany, linguistics, music, literature, and more.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
26 May 2023 | Lecture : 3 min.

The interesting thing about Jean Ledan fils' work is that he presents us with grandiose frescoes, iconic images that bring to life flesh-and-blood men and women, with their flaws, qualities, appetites, passions, grandeur, and weaknesses. They are beings like us, facing their daily problems, and their responses have shaped our collective personality as a people.

Jean Ledan fils makes Haiti's history familiar to us. More than that, he brings it back to life in the ebb and flow of negative or generous movements, dark or lumino


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