Competitiveness: Haiti’s WEF ranking improves

Haiti, with an overall average of 3.2, reaching 134th out of 140 economies analyzed in the 2015-2016 ranking published by the World Economic Forum/ Switzerland is and remains the most competitive countries for the seventh consecutive year. According to this list, the least competitive country among 140 studied is Guinea.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
08 oct. 2015 | Lecture : 2 min.
Over a year, the Haitian economy moved up to 134th place in 140 unlike last year when it occupied the 137th place in 144 with an overall average of 3.14. For this eleventh edition of this list of World Economic Forum (WEF, the acronym), the organizer of the Davos forum, the competitiveness of each of the 140 countries is ranked from the evaluation of a hundred criteria divided into twelve pillars: institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic indicators, health, education, and training, labor market efficiency, technological development or innova

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