Haiti, to the rhythm of jazz

The Fondation Haiti Jazz will hold the eighth edition of the Festival de jazz de Port-au-Prince. From January 18 to the 25th, with 26 foreign and local groups, Haiti will be filled with the rhythm of jazz and immersed in a diverse musical universe. Le Nouvelliste interview the Fondation’s Executive Director, Milena Sandler Widmaïer.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
16 janv. 2014 | Lecture : 3 min.
Le Nouvelliste (LN): What should we expect in this year’s program? Milena Sandler Widmaïer (MSW): The program this year is full of surprises and discoveries.10 countries will be represented, each with its own interpretation of jazz. The festival will open with Sandra Nkaké from Cameroon; we will discover Willerm Delisfort, a Haïtian-American pianiste, and Canadian singer Julie Michels. At the local level, we expect the Haitian jazz greats such as Claude Carré, Reginald Policard and Mushy Widmaier, as well as newcomers such as the trio Bémol, Me

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