Goût et Saveurs Lakay paves Haiti’s culinary road and espouses camaraderie

I love Goût et Saveurs Lakay. I love food so it is therefore not surprising at all. In addition to the varied culinary activities, this year, I am not sure how, but I was astounded by the level of respect, camaraderie, support, friendship, and the ‘I got your back’ that exists between these chefs. And I mean all the chefs, international and local.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
22 sept. 2016 | Lecture : 2 min.
Before the international chefs arrived in Haiti, they had a countdown to the day (day they would be in Haiti), by Thursday, September 15th, those who were in town were very happy to be in one another’s presence. At the cocktail it was evident that they were not only passionate about food but more importantly about creating a wonderful experience for all. This was evident not just when they were out and about, but when they were together in informal settings, when they ventured away from the kitchen and through the WhatsApp group created jus

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