ModAyiti inaugurates workshop

On November 7th, Maguy Durce, president of CHAPE and ModAyiti, inaugurated her creative workshop at Delmas 29 in two buildings. One is occupied by the sewing machine and equipment, and the other will be dedicated to exhibitions and meetings for models and designers.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
26 nov. 2015 | Lecture : 1 min.
In the machine room, about 100 people will work at the same time, according to Maguy. "For large orders, we can mobilize another team of 100 people at night. They will be just as powerful as the day of group because the lighting system is flawless, "she added. The room also has a laundry table and ironing board. Employees are recruited from among the best dressmakers who made a career in outsourcing, having been trained Elie Dubois, or who have proved exemplary in the workshops of Michel Chataigne, Maëlle David, and other creators. For Maguy,

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