Mentoring and training the disabled: the mission of Ecole Foyer damour

Fighting for the educational integration of disabled children is mission of Ecole Foyer damour of Haiti, based in Fontamara 43. In an atmosphere conducive to learning, a few hundred children dealing with disabilities attend classes in temporary structures. Devoted to the cause of these special cases that are sometimes rejected by society and even by their own parents, Rose-May L. Legouté, Director of the school, is given the mission to educate and mentor these young people.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
15 mai 2015 | Lecture : 2 min.
llThe school has been in temporary structures since the earthquake of January 12, 2010. In addition to the nine classrooms, a concrete building with a library, a physiotherapy room, a dormitory, and a cafeteria were also erected. A small courtyard with a playground, including a basketball court, completes the decor. "We treat them with respect and love. Our goal is to give them the will to live," stated Legouté. According to Legouté, for too long, society has left these people on the sidelines. Even today, their rights are violated. Even their

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