Toastmaster District Governor visits Haiti in preparation of International Conference

From December 5-6, Dawnette Calliste, District 81 Governor of Toastmasters International, visited Haiti for two days to promote the Toastmasters International Conference to be held in Haiti in May 2015.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
12 déc. 2014 | Lecture : 1 min.
llDawnette Calliste registered her tour as part of "the promotion and preparation of the first International Toastmaster Conference in Haiti scheduled for May 15, 16, and 17, 2015.” She informed that the non-profit organization aims to help its members develop their capacity in communication and leadership. Regarding the May 2015 conference, Calliste stressed a series of workshops on communication, leadership and strengthening the capacities of participants. These workshops will be available to both members of the Toastmasters club in Haiti, a

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